0:00 Hey, this is Celine at Chops Consulting and today’s video is on sharing documents or invoices or any type of file with your clients via LawConnect.
0:11 So you’ll notice from your details and correspondence pane you’ll see a button here that says Share Document, LawConnect. You will also notice at some other places, for example, you can share your statement for your clients via LawConnect.
0:24 You can also share your trust statement via LawConnect. So there’s a few kind of options for how you want to share documents or what you can share with LawConnect.
0:35 Today I’ll be focusing on sharing documents from the detail and correspondence pane. So anything that you have in here any kind of documents, you can share them to your clients.
0:46 You can share them by email. As well, if you, you know, right click share you can send via email and you can email original PDF.
0:54 You can also send to your, like internally in Microsoft Teams if you use Teams and your workspace or your firm.
1:01 And this one is actually already shared via LawConnect. So you can see it in managed LawConnect access. I’m just going to find one that’s not already shared.
1:15 Here we go. We got a conflict check. Okay. So this is just like an image or whatever, but you can share via LawConnect.
1:22 If you click this, you’re basically going to have a pop up here with some options on how to share. So you’ll see here you can type in your client’s email address.
1:38 You can also see any cards that you’ve already attached to the matter. If you want to send it to somebody and their card is not on the matter, first of all, I recommend just adding it to the matter because if you’re sending matter-related documents to them, they probably should be attached, but you
could browse all cards or add a new card. You can just type in a one-off email. Again, probably should add, but that’s your choice, but I’m just going to select Donald D*** for now because he has my email address.
2:03 For access, you can choose either sign-in to view, which is the most secure, and clients can come back again and again and see all their documents related to the matter in one place, or you can choose anyone the link can view.
2:17 It’s pretty easy for for people to sign in, so we’re just just, to simply create an account, so usually I recommend sign-in to view for the most secure, especially if you’re sending, like, trust statements and invoices and stuff.
2:28 Then you can put in some sort of message like, hi, here is the document I promised, I don’t know, whatever you wanted to send.
2:38 Then you can choose if you want to send it in the original format, in this case, like, as an image, or if you’re sending a Word document.
2:45 You would be sending it as, like, Microsoft Word document that they could possibly edit. You could also share it as a PDF, and then the most secure is a restrict editing PDF.
2:57 Then from here, click share, and it’s going to send to the client. I’m also just going to share, let’s see if there’s a, Here we go.
3:10 I’m just going to share this letter as well, so that I can show you comments and how to create comments for once you’re in the blocking act.
3:20 I’m not going to put any text. You already saw what that looks like. Here we go. What’s going to happen next is your clients will receive an email, new document shared.
3:37 And then in this case it says test client because when I originally created my lock connect account I used the client, the fake client’s name test client.
3:48 So now that’s my email associated with it, but it’ll actually say your client’s name. Celine Hogechopf Consulting shared a document with you.
3:57 This case there’s no text. The previous one that I did where there’s a message that says, hi, here’s a document I promised.
4:04 So it has like that message that you could put. I’ll just go back to this one view. At this point your clients will have to create an account and sign in or if they already have an account.
4:17 I’m signed in now already. So we kind of skipped that screen. There’s also a Android and iPhone app for lock connect that clients can download if they want.
4:29 So here’s the document. It’s not very exciting. One thing you’ll notice is there’s a comment section here. There’s no comments yet, but now I’m pretending to be the client.
4:38 I got this document. Maybe I wanted to say, you know, highlight something you spell. I don’t know in this case, it’s not, but you can send this to lawyers and lawyers can make all sorts of comments in a document, right?
4:52 Or you know, something that’s missing or something they want changed. But now you can see there is the the comment.
5:00 Just say comment to, I’m not feeling very creative today. So you can see there’s like multiple comments on here now.
5:10 Also details. You can just see like the file size, when it was shared the version that it is, they can download it.
5:19 They can full screen it if necessary. Once your clients are in law connect, they can also see everything that’s been shared to them on a particular matter.
5:31 If they had multiple matters with you or with other firms, they can also see all their matters here that have documents and information about them.
5:40 They can also see all their invoices and trust funds anything that’s shared by the firm. Uploads. So this is where, let’s say you’re, you want information from your client.
5:50 Maybe you want them to send a copy of their ID. Maybe you want them to send like some documents or whatever it might be.
5:56 They can go here. Hit upload. They can choose what file they want to upload to you. They can also choose to send a message where it’s uploading, which would be your firm.
6:11 Hit upload. So when they send you a document, you will now both receive an email as well as a notification within LEAP.
6:23 So let’s just go back to this matter. And and you can see here once you share it, it now says shared and comment.
6:32 This is the letter that we sent. So they can actually see that there’s a comment on that it’s been shared.
6:36 They can also man, you can manage access. So maybe you want to revoke a document, maybe you sent the wrong version, there’s a new version.
6:44 Or maybe sometimes a document, you only want it to be available for 30 days and you want to revoke access.
6:48 So it’s not sitting there forever. You can go in here and manage your access. Here’s who has it. You can change if you want it to anyone with a link or revoke, you can add a recipient.
7:05 Like maybe you only sent the document to one person, but hey, can you also send it to so and so you can add a recipient, update it.
7:11 So that’s how you update it. You can also see now here that the client has uploaded this document to you.
7:19 You can see the document has a new comment. So this is where you get the notifications as well as you will receive an email.
7:27 If we just go back to the main matter, this is this folder. If a client ever uploads a file to you, it’s going to create a folder here called lock and a collaboration of test client.
7:36 And this is where you’ll find anything that your client uploaded to you. So overall, pretty straightforward. The one last thing I’ll say really quickly is you can also add a firm level.
7:48 See all the lock and shared items across all your matters and manage them right here. Lock and a shared items just under the main menu.
7:57 So yeah, now you can see you can filter by, you know, what type of document it is, whether it’s a receipt or a trust statement or an image or an email.
8:07 You can see which ones were viewed, which one’s not viewed. You can see any of the comment who shared it.
8:13 And you can also search your lock and a shared items. So yeah, pretty straightforward, pretty useful.
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