In our latest Leap Legal support blog, we are going to explore how we can best archive a matter.
0:00 Here is a quick video on archiving a matter in Leap Legal. So the first thing you want to do is make sure there’s no accounts receivable.
0:08 If you already know it doesn’t have anything, just from the main screen, you can right-click and hit Archive Matter. But first, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go into your hair and I’m going to make sure that there is no note.
0:24 So if I go to General Accounting I can see that there is none. So that is perfect. There is no trust balance.
0:35 So this is a good candidate. What I can do then is from this main screen details and correspondence, I can select Archive Matter.
0:44 Of course, I could have also right click from the main screen, just a couple different options. You can say whether or not there is a physical file created and if yes, where it is.
0:54 And some more information on archiving it. And then you can see all of the account balances are here, not archived, but it’s ready to go.
1:02 So I am going to hit Archives and then it says Matter was successfully archived. And then it’s giving an archive number.
1:11 So that is, that is the quick version of how you archive matters in late.
Concluding Leap Legal Support: Archiving a Matter
I hope this video blog on archiving a matter in Leap Legal Canada has been useful. For more tips and content on the Leap software, be sure to check out our blogs section!